From online shopping to paying your bills the world has moved online, and so has the Holden Scramble!

Now you can enter your Holden Scramble local event fro the comfort of your own home, quickly and easily via the online entry system. All you need is the GolfLink numbers of your team mates, a contact email address and away you go.

The online entry system provides greater interaction for participants as well. Hole-by-hole scoring and live leaderboards are a couple of features to help you keep track of your results, and keep an eye on how your friends are going as well!

To find an event and enter online visit the Holden Scramble local event schedule page and click on an event with the red “enter online” button to get started. Enter your team, get practicing and hopefully you can make it to the Championship Final on the naturally refreshing Sunshine Coast!

Over 380 events are already confirmed for the 2017/18, find an event near you and be a part of the biggest Holden Scramble season ever!

Click here to find your nearest event