Norfolk Island Golf Club
The Holden Scramble is Australia’s largest pro-amateurs team’s event reaching in to some of the furthest corners of the country.
Fittingly, Holden, one of the most recognisable and reliable brands down under, has been the driving force behind the event now in its 26th year.
And with some Scramble events an age from the nearest city centre, it can’t hurt to have a reliable Holden on standby!
Remote golf clubs who host Holden Scramble events naturally send their winners to Regional Finals, often held a fair drive’s away from where they qualify.
Gove Country Club, over 1,000 kilometres from Darwin is a prime example of the dedication Scramblers put in.
Not only do a select few committed golfers make the 30 hour drive from Darwin, the winners need to make a pilgrimage of over 3,000 kilometres to make their Regional Final in Rockhampton.
Compared to that marathon trip, Scramblers in the red centre of Alice Springs are basically a stone’s throw to their Adelaide destination, just a 16 hour drive to make their Regional Final!
Out west, following local qualifying at the picturesque Broome Golf Club and visually stunning Kalgoorlie layout, golfers converge on state capital of Perth in an effort to book a ticket to the final, literally held the other side of the country.
Scrambler’s even cross the seas in progressing to a Regional Final with arguably the most isolated event on the calendar held on Norfolk Island off the coast of New South Wales needing to make headland in Brisbane for their next event.
All this legwork culminates in the Championship Final on the Sunshine Coast and the commitment from all participants is certainly commendable, having two teams qualify to the Final from Kalgoorlie in past three seasons is certainly testament to that fact.
With over BLANK* events across Australia, there is plenty of ground to cover with participants from regional corners of the country travelling to their closest event to join in the fun.
The Holden Scramble is truly a national event reaching every corner of Australia to uncover the next group of amateur Champions, find the Scramble closest to you at holdenscramble.com.au and join in on the fun!