Scramble Local Event Conditions of Competition
- It is each players’ responsibility to make themselves aware of all Conditions of Competition for the Scramble, including rules, policies of the R&A and Golf Australia. Details are available on the Scramble website
- The PGA reserves the exclusive right to alter dates, venues and rules regarding the management and conduct of the event.
- In order to be eligible to compete in the Scramble all amateur players must hold an official Golf Australia handicap. Players with a Golf Australia handicap that has been set to provisional are not eligible to participate in the Scramble.
- A maximum of two single figure handicap (9.9 or less) players based on individual’s GA Handicap are allowed in each team on the day of the Local/District Event.
- The four team members’ aggregate GA Handicap must total at least 32.0. The maximum aggregate GA Handicap for a team in a mixed Scramble is 112.0. The maximum aggregate GA Handicap for the Women’s Only Scramble is 132.0
- It is the player’s responsibility to ensure they are playing off the correct handicap on any day of competition. If an amateur is found to have played off an incorrect handicap, deliberately or otherwise, the team may be subject to either a score adjustment or disqualification as determined by the R&A Rules of Golf.
- The PGA of Australia reserves the right to adjust any team’s or individual’s handicap at Local Events, Regional Final and the Championship Final based on their past performance or past scores, or on evidence forthcoming from an examination of handicap records.
- An amateur player may attempt to advance to the Regional Final by playing at more than one Local Event. However, once that amateur has qualified for a Regional Final he/she is no longer eligible to compete for prizes or Regional Final qualification in any further Local Events. Competing in any subsequent Local Event for prizes or Regional Final qualification will result in the automatic disqualification of that team, and the original qualifying team may also be subject to disqualification (at the discretion of the Scramble Rules Committee).It is the responsibility of the Team to notify the coordinator of their Scramble Event that their team entry is deemed social and they cannot accept any prizes or further Regional Final qualification on that day.Please Note: The Mixed Scramble and Women’s Scramble are separate events and so it is permissible for an individual to qualify for both the Scramble Regional Final and the Women’s Scramble State Final.
- Any Team that competed in a Championship Final will be subject to a four (4) stroke penalty at each stage of the event for the following two (2) seasons. The penalty will be applied to the team score on the first hole of the score card. It is the responsibility of the Team to notify the coordinator of their Scramble Event if a penalty is required against their score.Note: The term Team in this Condition refers to more than one (1) of the Championship Final Team Members. Individual members who join three (3) new partners to form a team are not subject to penalty under this Condition.
- A Team that has won either the Championship Final or the Women’s Championship Final will not be eligible to compete in the event as a Team for the following two (2) seasons.Note: The term Team in this Condition refers to more than one (1) of the Championship Final Team Members. Individual members who join three (3) new partners to form a team are not subject to penalty under this Condition.Penalty for breach of Condition: Team Disqualification.
- The PGA of Australia reserves the right to suspend teams or individuals from competing in the event pending investigation of handicapping discrepancies. An amateur who is found to misrepresent his/her handicap or who breaches a Scramble Tournament Rule or Condition of Competition may be disqualified from further play.
- The Scramble Rules Committee reserves the right to suspend those players who breach Handicap Conditions, Tournament Rules or Conditions of Competition from future tournament participation. Where necessary, amateur infractions shall be reported to the applicable State or National bodies.
- If a Scramble participant has had their handicap assessed to a lower figure by the Scramble Rules Committee, the assessed handicap will be enforced for the remainder of the current season and the following season. However, should the participants Golf Australia handicap be reduced to a figure lower than the assessed handicap, the revised Golf Australia handicap will be used. It is the amateur player’s responsibility to inform the coordinator of their Scramble Event of this adjustment. After the period of the handicap adjustment, the amateur player must reapply to the Scramble Rules Committee, who at which point will confirm the official Scramble handicap that will apply.
- The PGA of Australia may, in its absolute discretion, determine whether to accept or refuse a player’s entry into the Scramble at any level of the competition.
- If an amateur player’s tournament playing privileges are suspended by a facility, he/she shall be considered ineligible until the suspension has been lifted, or until he/she has ceased to play at the facility for a period of one year, or whichever comes first. In either case, a new handicap must be established through an approved Golf Australia method.
- If an individual wishes to make a claim or request an appeal against a ruling that has been made, such claim or request must be received in writing by the PGA no later than seven (7) days after the event or ruling of concern and must be submitted using the appropriate claim form. This form and an outline of the claim process can be obtained by contacting the PGA Events Division on
PGA Media2018-06-28T15:54:46+10:00
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