Thank you for sponsoring a Holden Scramble Local Event, it is support from Dealerships like yours that make the Holden Scramble so successful. The Holden Scramble is here also to help you sell cars!

By sponsoring a Holden Scramble Local Event you are entitled to eight (8) guest positions in your Local Event, what better way to reward a customer! Your guests will be able to enjoy the golf event, and will also receive the $550 Cashback Offer, another value add for a potential customer of a new Holden vehicle.

These guest positions can be used by anyone, but ideally can be used in conjunction with the $550 Cashback Offer to help you sell more cars! So next time you are speaking with a customer, ask them if they or anyone in their immediate family plays golf and would like to be a guest at your Holden Scramble.

Speak to the club you’re sponsoring and book in your guest positions now!

For more information please call the PGA Events Division on 03 8320 1999 or via email at